Keeping Your Dogs Nails Short?

Many dogs do not need their nails trimmed as they have been built structurally sound and their daily walk keeps them short.
However, there are many dogs that even if they had 10 walks a day it will not help to shorten their nails.
I see so many dogs that have nails that are super long and cause major issues. The featured photo shows a dog whose nails are probably twice as long as they should be.

Dog showing long nails

Why is it Important to Keep Nails Short?

Long nails cause your dog to stand very differently. It puts a constant strain on their body and can cause many problems in the future.

You will see back and leg issues causing pain and arthritis.
Once the nails are kept short you will see your dog have a much better posture.

 What Ways Can I Keep them Short?

Using a good pair of dog nail clippers often and nibble small bits away.
You can also use a Dog Dremel which is probably easier. Make sure you get a quiet one with a fast speed. The cheap ones just don’t cut it. They are noisy and too slow.
I use the Dremel Pawcontrol 7760-PGK. It light to use and rechargeable.
You can also use a scratching board and teach your dog to use it.
Find a good groomer who has experience clipping nails. Once you find that groomer do not let them disappear from your life.

How Often Should I be Cutting my Dogs Nails?

Weekly is an ideal timeline. Just keep calm and get them used to it.
One thing to remember is the dew claw nail. These are often forgotten about, and they get very long and can curl back into the skin. You can find dew claws on all 4 legs.
Make it a habit to sit down with your dog often and keep those nails nice and short and tidy.
This is also a good time to be checking for infections of the nail bed as well as grass seeds or even hair clumps that might be causing discomfort.

If your dog has extremely long nails then just start by nibbling or grinding small amounts off every couple of days. Do not attempt to remove all of the length in one go. You will only cause pain to your dog and have a bleeder.

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