First things first if you suspect your dog to have IVDD is to visit a vet. Preferably a vet that has seen IVDD before.
Sometimes it shows in your dog as stomach pain and even with the vet testing the spine some dogs are just so stoic.
So if your dog is just a bit stiff, unable to walk over the stoop or walking a bit drunk then get them to the vets asap.
Medication is first required along with immediate crate rest. Always assume IVDD until diagnosed as anything else.
Depending on the severity of the IVDD (there are 5 stages of IVDD), you will need to see a Specialist Vet.
For me personally I stick with the medication in the early stages and only see a Specialist Vet at Stage 3 or higher. As I said this is for me personally.
Having the scans completed are for when heading down the surgical route.
If you have a breed of dog (like I do, a Dachshund) its important to choose your Specialist Vet Today! The day you get your dog. Understand the disease.
Have Insurance in place that covers IVDD and or be financial. (at least have $20K available)
I take between 10 and 20 calls a week from worried dog owners who are struggling with the initial diagnosis or even the wrong diagnosis. I have even had 1 vet practice misdiagnose at least 4 dogs that I know of!!
There are 2 routes to go down with IVDD. Surgical or Medical. Whichever route you decide you will need to put the following in place.
- Seek Vet help for initial diagnosis AND Medications
- Immediate Crate Rest with correct crate size and set up
- Speak with your chosen Specialist vet
- Decide which route is best for both your dog and yourself - Surgical or Medical
- Stick to your decision and do not let anyway guilt you into other routes
- Look at aftercare therapies like Bowen, Physio and Hydro - ask the vet when you can implement as its different for every dog
- Set your home up to accommodate an IVDD dog
The most important of all is to "Just Breathe"