It’s hard to get your dog used to having your finger or a toothbrush in his mouth. Ideally, you start when he’s a pup.
However, if like me that didn’t happen, it’s your job to make teeth brushing a fun, new activity.
Treat teeth brushing as snuggle time. Start by using a flavour your dog enjoys — like bone broth, or greek yoghurt or hemp. With your dog’s head on your lap, dip your finger into the tastiness. Reach from behind his head or the side and extend your finger for him to lick. Do this consistently every night for a week. You’ll want to start working in the homemade toothpaste with the flavour for a few days in the same way.
Then get some mildly abrasive gauze from the pharmacy. Wrap it around your finger and dip it in the toothpaste. Massage your finger plus gauze all over your dog’s teeth and gums. There’s no need to pry the jaws open … just push the lips up. You can feel the molars way at the back. Don’t forget to rub over them too. This is a great way to remove accumulated plaque daily. You don’t want to give plaque an opportunity to develop into hard tartar.
Make the effort to spend 10-20 seconds a day removing the daily food particles and plaque before bedtime. This will go a long way in protecting your dog’s teeth and preventing periodontal disease in the future.
When your dog accepts the feeling, you can switch to a finger toothbrush or a toothbrush with soft bristles. Brush your dog’s teeth in an up and down, then side to side motion. I love both the bamboo toothbrushes as well as the soft silicone ones. Just make sure you get the BPA and Phthalate-free silicone.
Soon, teeth brushing time will become a bonding time for you and your dog.
Here are some toothbrushes that I recommend. Get yours today and start a daily habit that helps your dog keep their teeth and gums healthy as well as giving you great snuggle time everyday.
Bamboo Toothbrush for Dogs
Silicone Toothbrush for Dogs
Silicone finger Toothbrush for Dogs