Hemp Helping the Environment
How Does Hemp Help Your Pet, Yourself and The Environment?
The Hemp plant basically captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
It cleans the air we breathe.
For every tonne of hemp produced, 1.63 tonnes of carbon is removed from the air.
Hemp is much more effective than trees.
How Did You Help?
You can imagine my delight when I received a call from the supplier of Ted & Co Hemp to say that in 2021, we helped remove 4.5 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere!!
How else does Hemp help the Environment?
Hemp grows very fast taking only four months.
This makes it easy for farmers to add it to their annual rotation and helps regenerate the soil, with the nutrients contained within the hemp plant.
Hemp roots can grow up to 3 metres deep, the soil in which hemp grows will always be strengthened by its presence, even helping to restore damaged soil.
What does this all mean?
By being a Ted & Co Hemp customer, you are helping your pet and your family be part of a bigger Wellness Solution.
Saving your Family, Pet and World.
How else can you help your family with wellness?
Look at options to recycle more.
Going as chemical free as possible around the whole family and home.
Start De-Toxifying Now, have a short chat with Jo to find out how you can help your family even more.