Amazing – When You Want to Solve One Issue and It Solves Others as Well!
We will not mention any names in case this pretty boy is recognised.
When the owner of this Dachshund came to me to ask if the Ted & Co Hemp Oil could possibly help with a problem, I said most likely, yes!
So, this cute mini black and tan dachshund, whose name I will leave out, (but it is from a very dark drink you might find in a pub) had an issue in the garden. He was highly excited by the wildlife, be it birds, rats and even cats. He could never just relax whilst outside.
We started him on 4 drops of the Ted & Co Oil, and I got feedback that he was a much calmer dog whilst in the back garden. I even had this little boy stay the day at my home and I could see a massive difference from all the other times he stayed.
Then the owner proceeded to tell me that it fixed his other little problems.
You see this little guy suffers with “Paraphimosis”. I will not go into it too deep but google it.
He likes to hug a lot of things and because of this he gets this condition.
Well, it seems that he is not doing so much of the hugging and not suffering with Paraphimosis anymore.
So just 4 drops of oil a day has helped Guinness be calmer whilst in the garden AND less likely to hug as much!! Its great to solve 3 problems in one go.
Let me know what problem your pet has and lets see if it can be solved.
OOPS did I just let the cat out of the bag!!