I often see dog owners treating their pets with harmful Flea Treatments on a regular basis. I see this as totally unnecessary.
I say just treat when they have fleas AND look for a non-toxic way to treat.
In the last 20 years I have only had 1 dog that managed to get fleas and we treated naturally. Another dog recently had 1 flea and we just washed in the shampoo mentioned below.
Get yourself a flea comb as this is one simple way to remove fleas and their eggs. No chemicals involved at all. This is a great start if totally infested.
Using a good quality Shampoo that produces a lather with Essential oils will kill existing fleas. Make sure the shampoo has no added chemicals.
Once your dog is sufficiently lathered, leave the shampoo on for just a couple of minutes while it does its work. Then rinse your dog well.
Our Recommendation for a Natural Kill-On-Contact Shampoo: Melaleuca Original Shampoo.
After Bathing
After rinsing your dog well make up a solution with Apple Cider Vinegar. Just 2 tablespoons of ACV to a litre of water. Pour solution over your dog and just leave to dry.
Brewer’s Yeast
Another way to treat fleas on dogs is to start from the inside out. Add half a teaspoon to your dog’s food. This makes for an effective flea remedy.
Essential Oil Spritz
Spray the coat with safely diluted essential oils as they make for an excellent flea remedy for dogs. Citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary can naturally repel fleas. Use a spray bottle, dilute a few drops of your chosen essential oil into 400ml of water and spray directly onto your dog’s coat. It’s important to know that several essential oils, like tea tree oil, can be very toxic to pets unless it is diluted appropriately (.1%-1)
Use Essential Oils that are natural and good quality is very important and making sure NO fillers, synthetics, or harsh chemicals are added.
Diatomaceous Earth
You can use DE earth both on your dog and around the home and garden.
Use Food Grade DE Earth not Pool grade.
While it might sound strange, but it is an incredibly effective way to treat fleas naturally. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on your dog avoiding their eyes and nose. Rub it in right down to the skin.
You can also sprinkle it over the carpet and let it sit there for 48 hours. Do not let the dog walk over it during this time. Then vacuum the carpet thoroughly.
Use it in the garden especially in the shady areas where there might be fleas or their eggs. Again, keep any pets away from the area.
Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder created from the microscopic remains of algae and is an effective way of drying out and killing flea eggs, to prevent another round of infestation.
Baking Soda
Sprinkle baking soda directly onto your carpet or couch and then make sure you get the powder into the fibres by using a broom. Leave the baking soda on your carpet/couch overnight, then you can simply vacuum up the baking soda and the fleas in the morning. This will dehydrate the fleas and their eggs.
For any products that are linked just email jo@jotetlow.com for information.